Flowers in Full Bloom

I’m enjoying the full bloom here in California. The sun is out and so are the flowers. As I’ve been enjoying lots of sunshine outside, I decided to make a science reader to explore how pollinators find their way to flowers.

This Teachers Pay Teachers product includes:

This is me in my garden last year. I order plants from our local community college. They have the best selection of native flowers.

Pollination is like nature's way of helping flowers make new flowers. When bees and butterflies land on a flower, pollen travels to the next flower they fly to. Sometimes pollen moves with the wind, water, or birds too. When the pollen lands on the stigma of another flower, it can make seeds.

Nasturtiums are my favorite flower. I love how water droplets collect and fall off the leaves. I think the bright orange red is stunning. They always put me in a good mood.

This is a Luna Moth I found in Minnesota. I almost overlooked it. It was sitting still outside of a restaurant I went to. I was able to pick it up carefully before it flew away, though I don’t recommend touching them!


Earth Day